Natural Listening

Just Listening focusses on music, of course, but great experiences in sound are often natural. So I'll post mostly videos including natural sounds here, as enticement to allow oneself simply to be enveloped by sound. Heaphones advised!

OK, so my next addition (posted 1/7/2021) to the offerings isn't really natural, but it has that feel, and you'll hear why. Of course I intend commentary with the posting:

It's about time to really listen: to each other, to the earth, to our hearts.

(Recorded at the Frederiksborg Castle, Copenhagen, in March 2019.)

The first one, posted on July 17, 2020, is of peepers in the Middlesex Fells in Medford, MA back in the early days of the lockdown when traffic and airplanes made no interfering noise. I have a few others to post in the near future, so check back if you remember!