Video clips

from the workshop at Emerson College in March 2019 with a group of filmmakers:

The video below, with a few clips in sequence, is a good example of how the workshop unfolds.

The video below witnesses a group of filmmakers arriving at the point of revealing the internal narratives that often result from repeated listenings to music. It begins to show the kind of realizations that the workshop encourages and sets the stage to occur.

from the workshop at Follen Church's Food For Thought series, February 2018:

I liked how it was entirely directed by the audience – our contributions were what directed the workshop. I also liked how we listened to the piece many times to develop our understanding.
participant at Young Composers Festival
In this workshop, of 90 minutes duration, we broke into groups after a couple of listenings, and participants worked together to draw the shape of the musical selection. That's what's happening in the clip above.

After creating their drawings, we photographed the drawings, projected them for all to see, and let those who drew them explain them. JHM amplified comments, always seeking more. The next three clips are witness to that process.
It was interesting that we were able to verbally create a diagram of the piece.
participant at Young Composers Festival
The challenge to engage actively, even though I didn’t verbalize much, caused me to think about what was going on and define it in my head, thus opening me to greater understanding.
participant at Food For Thought