Greetings participants!

You have arrived at the online site of an experiment conducted by the class, Investigating Musical Affect, at the Longy School of Music of Bard College. Your participation is valuable to us, and should take about five minutes to complete. We'll ask you to respond to five musical examples, and we will collect demographic data for our statistical analysis.  All individual data will be kept confidential.

In case the term is unfamiliar to you, affect is an ancient term to describe musical energy.

You will be presented a series of musical examples, for which you are to describe the musical energy that you perceive to be in the music you hear.  A group of potential descriptors is provided, and if the energy you perceive is close enough to one of those, simply check the box next to the word or words in that group.  If nothing quite matches what you have in mind, you may supply your own word or group of words to describe the energy in the music. If possible, choose words that are similar to those provided; avoid using technical musical terminology to describe the music.

We recommend using headphones or being in quiet place with a good sound system to complete the survey.

In order to start the process, please follow this link, which will launch you into the study.  If you supply your email address as your unique identifier in the demographic data, we will share our results with you once the study is complete.  

If you can share the link to this page with friends and associates, it will help us out.

Thanks again for your participation. Please complete the entire study!