Form and Analysis

John Morrison, instructor

Greetings, class, to Form and Analysis class day 20!

I have prepared a video for today's class, an introduction to modern analysis and exploration of Bartok's Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celeste.

So, here's the way the class will go:

1) Watch the embedded video below, which provides an introduction to analyzing modern music.

2) Listen to / watch the video of the movement, which will allow you to follow a score and experience a performance.

3) Now, watch the video embedded below. In the video, I take you step-by-step through the Bartok.

You may download a copy of the score, analyzed in color, by clicking here or going to the handouts page, and the same for a diagram of the piece, click here or go to handouts page.

4) You might want to watch the Bartok with score again.

5) And finally, explanation of the Fibonacci series and a diagram briefly explained.