Contemplating Music

Attempting to penetrate the magic…

on composing

A brief thought or two on composing, because I simply must make an entry on 10/11/12!

I have gradually realized that my whole approach to composing would have to be described as contemplative. First, a teacher long ago recommended an incredible approach to the beginning stages of composing a piece. That involves simply collecting ideas over a period of time, not judging them, just writing them down as fully as possible, and then one day beginning to go back through them and see if they are still alive. If so, they grow. If not, they go to the back of the pack. He called it following the path of least resistance, a wise way to get something delicate underway!

Another part of my process is more wholly of my own origin. It involves filling my head with the things I would like to have happen, either in a piece long term or in a given day, and then lying down. If I fall asleep, fine. But what so frequently happens is that the ideas start to swirl around in my head when sleep approaches, and insights, connections, and realizations begin to emerge. I jump up, write them down, and am suddenly deeply enmeshed in composing! Nowadays I use meditation more often than napping, but either way is a potential non-judgmental entry point to what is a process filled with making little judgments!